Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

Sleeping with the Lights Night Lights Disturb Biological Clock

People who like staying up late in the dead of night with lights still burning can cause havoc to the body's biological clock.

Australian scientists have found that sleeping late after an evening tersinari lights may cause the body's biological clock or circadian rhythms of the body become chaotic, which makes it difficult to compensate for job activities that dmulai from 09:00 until 17:00.

"People love staying up often think it hard to sleep without feeling refreshed the next day. The effect is the same as jet lag," says Professor Helen Burgess of Rush University Medical Center in Chicago as quoted from NineMSN, Sunday (10/30/2011).

Prof. Burgess conducted a study on 10 people. The participants were initially asked to research sleep at 22:00 and awakened at 7:00 for any week. Once awake, they were asked to spend outside your house for 10 minutes to receive sunlight.

Participants were then asked to boost his sleep until around 01:00 and awaken at 7:00 for a week so feel tired on the day. The next study attempts to eliminate the consequences of sleep deprivation by allowing the participants to sleep during the day to alleviate lemasnya.

But just identical findings. When participants were exposed to light when waking up late at the hours of darkness, they tend to get trouble sleeping and feel less fit the next day.

"Shifting the body's biological clock becomes more soluble means do not blink regarding circadian clock configured to best be obtained. Waking up at midnight with all lights will send a sign and also on the day to your biological clock," he said.

He added that if someone then turn off the lights whenever you sleep, it is going to cause the body to be more relaxed and circadian rhythms accommodates the back.

Prof Burgess said confirms that contact with light at the hours of darkness is equally important role in regulating the body clock the result of contact with sunlight with the morning. Scientists believe of the fact that morning light helps reset the brain each day and organize work to maintain hormonal body functions, including eating and sleeping.

He then explained that the secret to keeping your body clock stay organized and avoid the sensation of wanting to fit in the morning is always to close up or dim the lights at night and set the sleep time.

"And if it had to work late on weekends, the morning light is particular for your body," he concluded.

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